



Knock down a target. Deals X - Y crushing damage.
  • 100% chance to set Knocked Down status for 2 turns
action_point-icon.jpgAP COST
  • 4 Use
saving_throws-icon.jpgSAVING THROW
  • 10 turn(s) Cooldown
  • 3.0m Range

Knockdown makes a target unable to move or act.

Trip is a Skill in Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition.



Trip Information

  • Recommended Attribute Points: 8 Dexterity - Each Dexterity point below the recommended reduced the Status Effect chance of the Skill by 10%, while each point of Dexterity above the recommended grants a 5% bonus chance. Each even point of Dexterity (6, 8, 10, 12, etc) will reduce the Cooldown of this Skill by 1 turn.



Scoundrel skills 
Adrenaline  ♦  Become Air  ♦  Cloak and Dagger  ♦  Coup de Grace  ♦  Crawling Infestation  ♦  Daggers Drawn  ♦  Eye Gouge  ♦  Fast Track  ♦  Lacerate  ♦  Precise Incision  ♦  Shadow Step  ♦  Venomous Strike  ♦  Walk in Shadows  ♦  Wind-Up Toy  ♦  Winged Feet

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