Have fun talking about the game or anything you want to share. Please keep it clean and keep it friendly, we all want a happy and welcoming community!
IMPORTANT: To avoid useless clutter in the chatroom, please refer to this wiki's other pages before asking any question about the game's content and mechanics. This chatroom isn't intended to be an interactive search box.
ADDENDUM April 8th 2012: Despite the below listed rules being quite simple and for the good of the community, there has been and continues to be a number people seeking to challenge these rules, complaining about "censorship" and their right to "freedom of speech," and then when they ultimately get banned, acting with disbelief, hysteria, or both. So after due consideration it seems we need to add some context to the rules. This context is as follows:
The Dark Souls Wiki and the chat did not spring into spontaneous existence. God did not make it because He loves you. There is no philosophical or United Nations mandated Human Right to Have A Dark Souls Wiki and a Chat. Nor is this a government-mandated programme paid for by your taxes. It exists through the effort of myself and the moderators, who put in time (and in my case also money) so you all can have a place to find information and discuss the game. It would not be much fun for anyone if the chat were deluged by spam. It would not be a welcoming community for all Dark Souls fans if we allowed profanity, bullying, or obscene material. I would also add that the American concept of Freedom of Speech refers to the government not being able to suppress political dissent. You would have to have a very distorted view to think that demanding to post a sexist joke on a game wiki was any form of astute politcal commentary. So, posters' privileges here are granted on mutual consensus of what is acceptable on the understanding you are on a private site. Hence the very simple rules below.
But perhaps it can be summed up simply this way: this wiki and chat exist through the effort of others and is made available to you on condition you don't act like an inconsiderate brat. If that really is too much to ask, go elsewhere.
I must also add my sincere thanks to the fans who abide by chat rules and have contributed to the wiki, who by far outnumber the fools.
Mod: Stop spamming, drop the caps.
Mod Derp has been banned
Derpette: OMG how could you ban Derp! He's the love of my life, now I can't live without him! I hate you!
Derpette: Mods suck!
Mod: Derpette has been banned
... ad infinitum.
IMPORTANT: To avoid useless clutter in the chatroom, please refer to this wiki's other pages before asking any question about the game's content and mechanics. This chatroom isn't intended to be an interactive search box.
General Talk
Simple chat rules:
ADDENDUM April 8th 2012: Despite the below listed rules being quite simple and for the good of the community, there has been and continues to be a number people seeking to challenge these rules, complaining about "censorship" and their right to "freedom of speech," and then when they ultimately get banned, acting with disbelief, hysteria, or both. So after due consideration it seems we need to add some context to the rules. This context is as follows:
The Dark Souls Wiki and the chat did not spring into spontaneous existence. God did not make it because He loves you. There is no philosophical or United Nations mandated Human Right to Have A Dark Souls Wiki and a Chat. Nor is this a government-mandated programme paid for by your taxes. It exists through the effort of myself and the moderators, who put in time (and in my case also money) so you all can have a place to find information and discuss the game. It would not be much fun for anyone if the chat were deluged by spam. It would not be a welcoming community for all Dark Souls fans if we allowed profanity, bullying, or obscene material. I would also add that the American concept of Freedom of Speech refers to the government not being able to suppress political dissent. You would have to have a very distorted view to think that demanding to post a sexist joke on a game wiki was any form of astute politcal commentary. So, posters' privileges here are granted on mutual consensus of what is acceptable on the understanding you are on a private site. Hence the very simple rules below.
But perhaps it can be summed up simply this way: this wiki and chat exist through the effort of others and is made available to you on condition you don't act like an inconsiderate brat. If that really is too much to ask, go elsewhere.
I must also add my sincere thanks to the fans who abide by chat rules and have contributed to the wiki, who by far outnumber the fools.
- No flaming, no cursing (this includes random profanity at the discretion of the moderators in chat), no insulting
- No stupid names like MrBigCock.
- No racial, cultural, lifestyle comments/slurs. Period. Remember that this is a mixed community with diverse people.
- No pornography, no links to pornography, obsence or nude images including hentai and cartoons/animations. This applies to profile images as well.
- No console wars.
- Be friendly, be helpful, Be gentle .
- Dont spam either text or links or anything, this includes links to other chatrooms.
- NO BACKGROUNDS. Images to the right side are ok, all other background colors are prohibited. No obnoxious or illegible colors or fonts, no giant emoticons or gifs. *And if you see Manatubear has a background, it's because he is a moderator and attempting to get attention to his enforcing
- No discussion, or promotion of glitches, hacks, save edits. This chat is to ensure the integrity of the game remains.
- The moderators and administrators are volunteers who use their free time to keep the chat civil. You can disagree with them but disrespecting them is not an option. Attempting to argue moderator/admin communications and decisions in public will lead to a ban
- Last but not least: always listen to moderators! When a moderator tells you to stop doing something in the chat, or to do something such as change your username color, this is them utilizing their discretion to apply the rules and as such their say becomes the rules. Arguing with the moderators will be counter productive and get you nowhere. If you encounter a situation where you feel that a moderator has abused his/her power, you can contact FexDS*, or Castielle101* please provide screenshots or chatlogs if possible and always contact the moderators yourself, second party requests will not be accepted.
- If you feel any of these three people have wronged you, they own the chat so you are SOL.
Example of what not to do:
Mod: Stop spamming, drop the caps.
Mod Derp has been banned
Derpette: OMG how could you ban Derp! He's the love of my life, now I can't live without him! I hate you!
Derpette: Mods suck!
Mod: Derpette has been banned
... ad infinitum.
Moderator Roster
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