Unique Items in Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition have powerful bonuses.
One Handed Swords
- Old Sabre
- Buffalo Sabre
- Sword of the Planets
- Coffinfeeder
- Adventurer's Sword
- Peter Lee's Sword
- Stone Sword
One Handed Axes
- Hacksaw Decapitator
- Hanneman's Axe
One Handed Maces
- Clobbering Time
- Gungir's Morning Star
- Orc Helmet
- Bucket of Insight
- Weresheep's Helmet
Chest Pieces
- Bairdotr's Armor
- Jahan's Armor
- Madora's Armor
- Orc Armor
- Wolgraff's Armor
- Weresheep's Armor
- Bairdotr's Bracers
- Jahan's Bracers
- Madora's Bracers
- Wolgraff's Bracers
- Weresheep's Bracers
- Forgotten Language of the Faery
- Grimoire of the Inconcievable
- Ancient Tome of Bodily Mastery
- Compendium of Mortal Techniques
- The Codex Of Pestilential Thought
- Death Knight Bane Skillbook
- How to Handle Tenebrium
- Philosophy of Death
Crafting Ingredients
Fiery Heart
Joshua's Spice
Bottle of Swirling Mud
- Bottled Voice
- (plant that combines with bottled voice)
- Anonymous
The plant that can be combined with the Bottled Voice is the Voxwood.
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Is there a way to sell unique items? They don't appear when I'm dealing with a vendor