AdrenalineScoundrelNovice |
Borrow Action Points from your next turn. (You'll have less Action Points to spend on your next turn.) | |
Adrenaline is a Skill in Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition.
Adrenaline Information
- Recommended Attribute Points: 8 Dexterity - Each Dexterity point below the recommended reduces the Status Effect chance of the Skill by 10%, while each point of Dexterity above the recommended grants a 5% bonus chance. Each even point of Dexterity (6, 8, 10, 12, etc) will reduce the Cooldown of this Skill by 1 turn.
- Anonymous
90% chance with a single lvl 14+ tormented soul enchantment. 105% chance for dual-wielders. A must for every character, but especially for non-lone wolf mages - the only way for them to open with big ass spells and not suck in intelligence the same time.
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I was wondering does Insurability remove adrenaline buff?